How do you change EAP102 TIP Open-WiFi firmware back to Edgecore firmware?

I have an EAP102 with TIP firmware installed. What do I have to do to change it to the standard Edgecore EAP102 firmware that’s available on Edgecore’s website?

Hello, @TIPnewbee.

EAP101 & EAP102 shares the same logic to flash firmware between TIP & ecCloud version.

EAP101 from TIP to Edge-core Firmware - OpenWiFi Solution / OpenWiFi Discussion - Edgecore Wi-Fi Community

For the EAP102, the command logic is the same. Note, 11.2 firmware is an example for what to enter. Likely a newer version will be available and you can use it instead.

You can access the necessary files here eap102-spf111-norplusnand-ipq807x-single-0603.img - Google Drive
and here: EAP102 – Edgecore Help Center (

Please replace the TFTF command with EAP102 files.

  1. Flash Edgecore uboot image (u-boot)
    tftpboot eap102-spf111-norplusnand-ipq807x-single-0603.img

  2. Flash EC image (u-boot)
    tftpboot EAP102-v11.2.0-749-a2839bad-edgecore_eap102-squashfs-nand-factory.bin && imgaddr=$fileaddr

1. Flash Edgecore uboot image (u-boot)
   # setenv ipaddr  && setenv serverip  && tftpboot eap102-spf111-norplusnand-ipq807x-single-0603.img
   # imgaddr=$fileaddr && source $imgaddr:script
   # sf probe
   # sf erase 0x480000 0x10000
   # reset

2. Flash EC image (u-boot)
   # setenv active 1
   # setenv upgrade available 1
   # saveenv
   # setenv ipaddr  && setenv serverip 
   # tftpboot EAP102-v11.2.0-749-a2839bad-edgecore_eap102-squashfs-nand-factory.bin && imgaddr=$fileaddr
   # imxtract $imgaddr ubi && nand device 0
   # nand erase 0x00000000 0x03400000
   # nand write $fileaddr 0x00000000 $filesize
   # nand erase 0x3c00000 0x3400000
   # nand write $fileaddr 0x3c00000 $filesize
   # reset

   >>> login: admin
   >>> Password: admin

   root@Edgecore:~# acc hw all

   root@Edgecore:~# acc hw set SN 1234567890

   root@Edgecore:~# acc save
   Enter password:
   (Please contact [email protected] for remote assistance.)

   root@Edgecore:~# reboot

4. SET country code  (CONSOLE LINUX root LOGIN SHELL)
   >>> login: admin
   >>> Password: admin 

   root@Edgecore:~# acc hw all

   root@Edgecore:~# acc hw set Model EAP102-WW

   == Set different Model name by different country code ==
   WORLD WIDE: # acc hw set Model EAP102-WW
   US ONLY: # acc hw set Model EAP102-FCC
   TH ONLY: # acc hw set Model EAP102-TH
   JP ONLY: # acc hw set Model EAP102-JP

   root@Edgecore:~# acc save
   Enter password:
   (Please contact [email protected] for remote assistance.)

   root@Edgecore:~# rm -rf /overlay/upper/*
   root@Edgecore:~# reboot

Hi Nick,
The link: (deleted) is not working anymore. Can you share a different link, especially for the uboot image? I cannot find the image in Edge-Core firmware download page.


Thanks for letting us know. Here is the new link and I’ve gone back and corrected the link. As far as the firmware, just go to the Website for the latest Edge-core version.

EAP102 – Edgecore Help Center (

Hi Dan,

Thanks! BTW do you know the default password on console for the TIP firmware. I cannot login via admin/admin in TIP firmware's console. 


I got the answer myself: root/openwifi.

Regarding your point on edgecore’s firmware download, I was a bit confused that the download file is a tar file, but the steps of upgrades depends on .bin file. How would you upgrade with the tar file?

Thanks in advance!

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