The documents below show how to set up a Mesh network with two WiFi 6 APs. One acts as a Mesh Portal Point (MPP), the other works as a Mesh Access Point (MAP).
A wireless mesh network is a communications network made up of radio nodes organized in a mesh topology.
Wireless mesh infrastructure is a network built of peer radio devices that do not have to be cabled to a wired port like traditional WLAN access points (AP) do. Mesh infrastructure carries data over large distances by splitting the space into a series of short hops.
Mesh network establishes the multi wireless link between nodes, providing backup uplinks when one of the nodes was out of service. It enhances the stability of network service.
In the Mesh network, WiFi 6 AP could be a Mesh Portal Point (MPP), Mesh Point (MP), or a Mesh Access Point (MAP).
Can this OpenMesh support local UI without the cloud?
=Yes. It is ready to configure from the local GUI. Configuring the OpenMesh from the Cloud will be ready by the middle of the Aug release.
Can OpenMesh support cross AP modal, such as EAP101 as an MPP, and establish mesh link to EAP102 (MP) and then to EAP101 (MAP)?
=Yes. And it is better to compare to the WDS. It supports 802.11s mesh with routing function, which means you can use the 2.4 and 5 GHz radio for the mesh link simultaneously.
How many concurrent users for EAP101 or EAP102 before and after OpenMesh?
=256 users per radio. The mesh link client is one of the users.
Openmesh can select which frequency (2.4GHz or 5GHz) use for the mesh?
=Yes. Users can select a 2.4 or 5 GHz band to run the mesh. In the current design, the user can only select one of them.
Did this mesh support untagged VLAN at MAP and VLAN passthrough from MPP to MP?
=Yes. The current design support this setting.
Can the MP device also provide an access point to WiFi users, or after its uses for MP, it cannot provide any other service?
=Yes. It still can provide the service in the same radio with other SSID.
That is a good question.
From my WiFi 6 field experience, I would say 50M should be fine with an open clear field without any interference. People use WDS in the outdoor field more often.
Meanwhile, OpenMesh is widely deployed in the indoor office and distance is not a key factor. The metal door and concrete wall are much more important negative factors to WiFi signals. We recommend doing a PoC field test to verify the Mesh office heatmap.