Implementing TIP Cloud SDK


I want to know, how can we I configure the Openwifi-AP via TIP-Cloud-SDK

I have installed the cloud SDK controller locally and connected the AP successfully. Now as mentioned in openwifi-TIP official document, Cloud-SDK offers many features like Multiple SSID Configuration, Bandwidth Rate Control per SSID, Multi-Radio 2.4/5/6GHz control, AP Network Mode Control (Bridge/NAT mode).

Now, I want to know, how to configure these features in Cloud-SDK, because in Cloud-SDK-menu, I cannot find any option where I can configure such settings.

Thank you

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Hello, @anishkb009 .

Let me discuss having a uCentral tutorial with you, or I find a time to create a user-friendly learning material.

Kindly grant us some time.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to fill out the Contact Us form for our sales representative to know you more and get in touch with you.

Our sales representative will get in touch with you shortly regards to your purchase order and demonstration inquiry.

Nick Ho
Edgecore TIP Support Team Taipei Office
[email protected]

Here is a homework for your reference.

Hi Nick.
Is it possible to test an Edge-core AP with TIP FW using the beta ECCLOUD environment?


Hello, @edsonmorishima !

Yes, we are developing the new feature for ecCloud to manage with OpenWiFi TIP FW devices. I’m going to post another technical guide to introduce it when officially released.

We can discuss inviting our partners/users to enjoy the Beta trial of with the Edgecore Sales Representatives.

Could you tell us who is the Sales Representative that contacted you?

Hi Nick.

There is a customer that wants to use TIP solution. I believe it is a good opportunity to show the TIP ECCLOUD but I prefer to tell the customer name off the forum.
We would like to trial the TIP ECCLOUD. We have some APs loaded with TIP FW but pointing to the a different redirector. What should we do to connect to TIP ECCLOUD?

Hello, @edsonmorishima

What should we do to connect to TIP ECCLOUD?
=I’ll write another post to disclose and guide you through it.
=Meanwhile, we could need the sales representative’s approval to invite you into the to have a trial and discuss the demonstration to the potential customer.