House Rules for Forum Engagement
1: Please no cursing in this group or inappropriate language. This may be grounds for removal.
2: This forum is for technical discussion, sharing knowledge, if it comes down to troubleshooting or RMA, please visit the support website to open ticket.
3: Do not advertise your business on this group. Please include only your opinions and relevant information.
4: If a single individual starts a discussion that all other members disagree with, it may, at the discretion of the EdgecoreOpenWiFi User forum admin, be considered trolling. Trolls will be removed from the group.
5: Please stick to the mission statement of the EdgecoreOpenWiFi User forum. Irrelevant content does not belong here.
6: Do not post graphic or disturbing photos, videos and other media in this group. If you are not sure about the content that you want to post, email the group admin.
7: When you share attachments in the EdgecoreOpenWiFi User forum, please make sure that your settings are on ‘public’ or no-one will be able to see your attachment.
8: Think before you post! Once it is posted it is on the internet –what goes up can never really come down. Respect the privacy of others.
9: If you are going to comment, we would prefer it if you could try and add valuable discussion to the conversation. Be friendly, be fair and use common sense and respect.
10: The admin of the EdgecoreOpenWiFi User forum is entitled to deny entry to any member they choose. They are also allowed to boot out members that do not comply with the house rules.
11: For any product inquiries, please refer to our general email: [email protected]